Turin – City of Trees?

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10:00 PM

In response to increasing land use and global deforestation, public and political debate has intensified over how to protect urban parks and manage public green spaces sustainably. Norms for Europe and Italy have been issued, which need to be adopted by regional administrations for establishing regulation and control, and strategies have been defined for urban forestry and economic activities, while preserving biodiversity. Turin is among Italy’s greenest cities (37% of its area is urban woodlands) and declared in 2023 by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) as one of the Tree Cities of the World in recognition of city administrations’ commitment to develop plans for urban reforestation and natural regeneration. Here, however, as elsewhere in Italy, indiscriminate tree cutting and destruction have raised protest by environmental protection associations and mobilized citizen initiatives to protect the urban forest, which is a vital part of city living.

In joint collaboration between CinemAmbiente Film Festival and Casacomune, the event centers around urban forestry.

Gabriele Bovo, Metropolitan City of Turin
La Regione Piemonte, la Città Metropolitana e il comune di Torino, enti anticipatori di politiche attive di protezione della natura
Vittorio Martone, Department of Culture, Politics and Society, University of Turin, and Elena Ciccarello, editor of the magazine Lavialibera
Alberi abbattuti e parchi deturpati con ingente consumo di suolo. Comitati in movimento per difendere alberi e territorio.
Daniele Zovi, writer and populariser, forest and wildlife expert
Il ruolo degli alberi e delle piante in generale nelle grandi città. Un’occasione per ripensare Torino.

Moderated by
Mirta Da Pra Pocchiesa and Federica Pecoraro, Casacomune

At the end of the meeting the film Walking Forest by Rose Casella and Floris Leeuwenberg will be screened

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