Energia, ambiente, economia: agire in modo consapevole per contribuire alla lotta al cambiamento climatico

5:30 PM

Energy, environment, economy, engagement in fighting climate change
Each of us is called to help fight against climate change, but what practical decisions can one make to effectively solve seemingly unsurmountable problems? How should one react to the daily misinformation and disinformation? EmCoin is a type of token that represents the amount of energy used to produce the goods we buy. With this token, we can budget how much energy we want to spend and thus help in grass-roots sustainability – beyond any greenwashing. This new scenario integrates energy, economy, and the environment, together with experts and researchers in biophysical economics, product life cycles, and “unconventional” economic theories. The idea is to base our daily behaviors on the rule of nature and the physics of economy.

Luciano Celi, CNR researcher, editor of Lu::Ce Edizioni, president of ASPO Italia
Marcello Corongiu, president of Resconda and PM of the EmCoin project
Charles A.S. Hall (in videoconference), expert in systems ecology and biophysics, distinguished professor at New York State University
Caterina Mele, DISEG teacher, member of CdA and the Green Team, Politecnico di Torino
Maurizio Pallante, nonfiction writer, speaker, president of Associazione Sostenibilità Equità Solidarietà
Sergio Ulgiati, former teacher of environmental chemistry and LCA l’Università Parthenope, Naples, honorary professor of environmental accounting, School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, China

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