DAY 3 – 27th CinemAmbiente Festival

The CinemAmbiente Festival continues with the third day, with meetings and screenings.

The daily events started with the LifeGate: acqua nè più nè meno eco-talk, at 4:00 pm at Cinema Massimo.
Same as last year, a special time was reserved for the NextJournalist project realized by LifeGate – CinemAmbiente Media Partner – and supported by Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation and Giuseppe and Pericle Lavazza non-profit Foundation.

Besides, at 6:00 pm, at Circolo dei lettori, the public could attend the ceremony of the Le Ghiande Literary Prize that was given to Alessandra Viola, journalist, science speaker, author and presenter, by the selection committee composed by Serenella Iovino, Matteo Righetto and Marco Fratoddi.

During the day, there were many movies scheduled and just as many guests in the theatres, who met the audience at the end of the screenings.

The night ended with an outdoor screening of the movie Green City Life by Manon Turina and François Marques, included in the Panorama section.

Watch below the summary video.

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