The CinemAmbiente Festival continues with the fifth and second to last day, with meetings and special events.
With Torino città degli alberi? – 10.00 am, at Fabbrica delle “E” – began the meetings of the day. In cooperation with Casacomune, the eco-talk dealt with a highly relevant topic and was followed by the screening of the movie Walking Forest, by Rose Casella & Floris Leeuwenberg.
Among the many movies, the one produced by Superottimisti: Cinema e memoria del territorio. Le comunità Walser valsesiane., sponsored and supervised by Superottimisti Archive, which was attended by the students from Varallo Sesia D’Adda High school and by the proponent from the Walser Valsesiane association and the proponent from the Unione Montana dei Comuni della Valsesia.
Eventually, the audience was able to taste a selection of food and wine excellence from the area, offered by the Carcoforo’s community.
Another special event was the eco-talk at the Regional Museum of Natural Sciences, which featured the guests Mara Moschini and Marco Cortesi, authors and protagonists of Green Storytellers. Into the Wild, and Isabella Pratesi, director of WWF’s Italy Conservation Program.
After the screenings, the latest event of the evening was the Night of CinemAmbiente, the widespread manifestation involving several venues in the Murazzi del Po setting, in collaboration with Associazione Murazzi del Po.
Watch below the summary video.