5:00 PM
Over the past few months, CinemAmbiente, Casacomune and Libreria Binaria Centro Commensale have organised a series of editorial presentations. The initiative concludes during the Festival with the presentation of the book Anthropocine, the Green Screen. Manual of paths and ideas for an Italian Ecocinema by researcher and journalist Marino Midena. Inserted in the emerging critical strand of ecocinema, the book analyses over three hundred films of Italian cinematography, from their origins to 2023, to discover the ecological thought that runs through them. ‘The invention of the neologism AnthropoCine is the result of an imperative rethinking of our relationship with the world, of an increasingly less anthropocentric repositioning, but also of a reconsideration of the role assumed by cinema’ (M. Midena).
Carlo Griseri, film critic, dialogues with the author.