Festival Cinemambiente
Who we are
The CinemAmbiente Festival was founded in 1998 in Turin to present the best international environmental films and documentaries and contribute to promoting cinema and ecological culture, with several activities throughout the year.
CinemAmbiente Festival was founded and directed by Gaetano Capizzi. The Festival is the most important Italian event concerning environmental films.
The Festival is a founder member of the Green Film Network, an association gathering the most relevant international film festivals ecologically themed.

The Festival
The Festival has gone from strength to strength to become a key date on the international calendar of environmental film festivals.
Each year about 100 films are presented in various sections of the Festival program: International and National Competition, Special Events, and CinemAmbiente Junior addressed especially to young people.
The Festival’s vast program includes debates, meeting with the authors, exhibitions, book presentations, stage performances, concerts, and other events in Turin and beyond.
CinemAmbiente is 100% eco-compatible. The Festival is a zero emission event: the CO2 produced is compensated by the Asja-CO2 protocol.
The Festival is also plastic free since only recycled, ecolabeled, and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified products are used.
Finally, the Festival supports the Agenda 21 objectives to purchase sustainable materials.